"Not pure enough"

"You can’t clean your tears!"
The five kings cried so hard that he swore that he wouldn’t play crying again in this generation. How could his tears be impure? They were shining and crystal clear, which drove away the dew. She said it was not clean! !
There is a story in Houwangfu that six kings cried in front of a woman and begged the woman to stay by herself, but people still resolutely left him behind and left without looking back!
The five kings were saddened. "I play the piano, I play the piano, I play the music …"
So the heroine’s name in this story is Qin Shi Qu.
It’s a very strange name, so people prefer to believe that when the Five Kings could not articulate clearly, they were heartbroken. He kept thinking that his feelings had passed away …
It’s worse than sadness. Obviously, it’s a little out of line with the chic image of the Five Kings.
In the next few days, the five kings didn’t go to him anywhere. Listening to the first piano player and playing the first song of the day, they practiced endlessly, such as crying, crying with emotion, crying with pure tears.
Peter said Ziyun proudly crossed out the names of the five kings from the five palaces and went to find another person.
It seems that it doesn’t count to cry because you don’t have feelings.
How to get pure tears?
It’s better to let her fight, steal or rob than to find someone who wants him to cry one by one.
A seven emperors
The seven emperors have not yet been crowned king, and the information shows that he is very friendly to Huang Junyi.
He was polite when Ziyun proudly went to see him.
He sighs when he talks about the emperor’s game.
"No matter temperament or qualification, the sixth brother is chosen. If he is physically better, he will be proud of the sky. It’s a pity that he was born with an incurable disease and no one can do anything about it …" Here, he lowered his eyes and looked sad.
But he never shed a tear.
He and Ziyun proudly looked for several emperors before, but there was no pity for the six kings respectively, but more affection as if he had nothing to do with life and death, and no one was capable of it. The six kings were endowed with qualifications by heaven, and no one had ever envied jealousy and hated it, but because he would die anyway, everyone would leave it alone
It’s not a dead word to call him absolute beauty.
Maybe there are more people looking forward to his quick death, but the Seven Emperors really feel a little sorry for the Six Kings. After all, it is a person with such peerless talent. Even the sky is jealous of Yan, while sympathizing with him, he secretly envies him and wishes him to die early. But the thought of his real death can’t tell whether he is heart or not.
Always consider him irrelevant.
Isn’t even Junya unable to cure him?
Ziyun Ao and the Seven Emperors were talking orthogonally. Suddenly, a girl came running quickly. She looked like she was seven years old, which was the age when she liked playing best. When she came running, she seemed to hear something and said, "Brother Seven, what’s wrong with Brother Six?"
She is the sister of seven emperors and one mother, Princess Wan Wan. The five kings refused to give up and insisted on taking Ziyun proudly to his secret base to see him put into acting.
The last five kings finally shed tears, but it was not Ziyun who wanted pure tears.
"Still no"
"Not pure enough"
"You can’t clean your tears!"
The five kings cried so hard that he swore that he wouldn’t play crying again in this generation. How could his tears be impure? They were shining and crystal clear, which drove away the dew. She said it was not clean! !
There is a story in Houwangfu that six kings cried in front of a woman and begged the woman to stay by herself, but people still resolutely left him behind and left without looking back!
The five kings were saddened. "I play the piano, I play the piano, I play the music …"
So the heroine’s name in this story is Qin Shi Qu.
It’s a very strange name, so people prefer to believe that when the Five Kings could not articulate clearly, they were heartbroken. He kept thinking that his feelings had passed away …
It’s worse than sadness. Obviously, it’s a little out of line with the chic image of the Five Kings.
In the next few days, the five kings didn’t go to him anywhere. Listening to the first piano player and playing the first song of the day, they practiced endlessly, such as crying, crying with emotion, crying with pure tears.

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